Doing What Matters Podcast

Are you ready to live from rest instead of rush? Join me each week for conversations, stories, and practical wisdom from people doing what matters in their personal and professional lives.

This is an invitation to do life differently through rhythms, routines, and practices that help us live the life God has for us.

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014: [Harmony Triad 7,4,1] Communication with the Tool of the Enneagram

communication triad 7-4-1 Mar 27, 2019

Let's keep talking! This episode continues the conversation as part two of a three-part series on Communication with the Tool of the Enneagram.

Whether focusing on verbal, non-verbal, or even written communication, the Enneagram Harmony Triad Model offers us insight into how we can come...

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013: [Harmony Triad 8,5,2] Communication with the Tool of the Enneagram

communication triad 8-5-2 Mar 20, 2019

If we only communicate out of our Enneagram Type, then we're only using a third of the communication skills with which we've been created! We don't just want to know our type–we want to live it out in our everyday, ordinary REALIFE through our IQ, EQ, and GQ!  

Join us on this...

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012: Entrepreneurial Lifestyle with the Tool of the Enneagram featuring guests, Jamie & Ruthie Slingerland

As an entrepreneur, business owner, or leader you live life a bit differently! You manage your time, work, family and more! How could having access to the tool of the Enneagram enrich your entrepreneurial lifestyle? 

Jamie and Ruthie Slingerland were introduced to the Enneagram back in...

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011: Time Blocking with the Tool of the Enneagram

time blocking tool Mar 06, 2019

On this episode, we take a look at one of our most valuable resources: T-I-M-E! One of the five steps of the REALIFE Process™ is Time Blocking. As we explore Time Blocking and pay attention to the movement of our Enneagram Harmony Triad, we can live FULL CIRCLE! 

Focusing on the...

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010: [Harmony Triad 7,4,1] Leadership with the Tool of the Enneagram

tool triad 7-4-1 Feb 27, 2019

We've come FULL CIRCLE! This is the final episode in the series Leadership with the Enneagram as we focus on the 7,4,1 triad! 

We'll look through the Harmony Triad Model lens at each center of intelligence–IQ (Head), EQ (Heart), and GQ (Gut). Every Enneagram type has some great...

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009: [Harmony Triad 8,5,2] Leadership with the Tool of the Enneagram

tool triad 8-5-2 Feb 20, 2019

Take two! We're back with the second part of our Leadership with the Enneagram series! 

On this episode, we'll shift just a bit as we look at the 8, 5, 2 triad through the lens of the Harmony Triad Model! This model offers each Enneagram type access to all three centers of...

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008: [Harmony Triad 3,6,9] Leadership with the Tool of the Enneagram

tool triad 3-6-9 Feb 13, 2019

What type of leader are you? Enneagram Professional, Ginger Lapid-Bogda says, "If you have all three–a high EQ, a high IQ, and a relevant on the job experience from which you have learned and grown, your chances of success (as a leader) are even greater!"

On this episode, as we...

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007: A Great Conversation with Enneagram Professionals, Clare and Scott Loughrige

Clare & Scott Loughrige have been singing great songs together for a lot of years as a married couple, co-pastors, and Enneagram Professionals. But as Clare shares, they didn't understand why they had some discord until they started to use the Enneagram as a tool for...

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006: [Types 5,6,7] Distraction Zones of the Head Center

People that call the Head Center home are prone to get distracted and stuck in their thoughts...the spin can be intense, so it's helpful to be able to identify the obstacles, stop the crazy cycle of swirling thoughts, check in with your heart and body, and move forward in freedom as your best...

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005: [Types 2,3,4] Distraction Zones of the Heart Center

No matter our Enneagram home type, we all get distracted! The struggle is REAL and it can be a crazy cycle! Being able to identify the areas in which we're prone to distractions can be so valuable in developing awareness around the places we get stuck and taking action to move forward...

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