285: Product - The Realife Process for Business Success: Product ( Week 4 of 8)


In this episode of Doing What Matters Podcast we continue in our series of the Seven p”s of Business.  This week it is all about your Products and Services. Using real-world examples I explore how to identify the unique features that set your offerings apart. We’ll discuss turning these standout qualities into tangible benefits for your clients and the importance of understanding your target audience deeply. 

I'll share insights about the significance of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and guide you through avoiding the pitfalls of over-expansion and unnecessary investments. Together, we'll look at different selling strategies, consider the right methods for you, and examine the critical questions of when and how to collect payment. Plus, I'll encourage you to build upon your God-given gifts and continuously refine your business offerings, writing directly from my own experiences and the successes of my clients.

 Join me for actionable steps and inspiration on how to make your products and services not just different, but indispensable.

Time Stamps:

00:00 Overview of podcast series on business planning.

04:58 Intellectual property and services as interchangeable products.

06:42 Revenue goals need patience, understanding audience needs.

11:21 Health industry professionals selecting standout unique features.

14:15 Identify problems, features, and benefits for messaging.

17:44 Pause at step three, unique in God's design.

22:00 Focus on your unique selling proposition for success.

24:58 Assure efficient money exchange and continuous evaluation.

27:46 Download reallifeprocess.com product, focus on your purpose.

Podcast Resource Download:



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FREE Download: 4 Steps to Simplify Your Calendar

Ready to uncover more time on your calendar? This FREE download will help you remove what doesn’t matter, so you have space for what does. Click here to get this FREE resource!

Get to know the story behind the REALIFE Process® through our film, Rested Success!

CLICK HERE to watch the 15-minute documentary film where you’ll hear Teresa’s story, how the REALIFE Process® began and developed, plus how our Certified Coaches are using the Process in the work that they do.


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My Book Link

My new book, Do What Matters, is available NOW! Banish busyness and discover a new way of being productive around what truly matters. Learn more at DoWhatMattersBook.com.

LifeMapping Tools

Would you like to discover  Life Mapping tools to help you recognize and respond to God in your Story. Check out these tools here https://www.onelifemaps.com


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About Teresa McCloy:

Teresa McCloy is the founder and creator of the REALIFE Process®. The REALIFE Process® is dedicated to equipping others and providing community, training, tools and resources, to cultivate both personal and professional development and growth. Teresa’s mission is to see individuals and groups grow in self-awareness, develop sustainable rhythms, and increase their influence and impact at the intersection of faith and work in their everyday life story.


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